Life and Coronavirus !!

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A tiny virus has changed the world. For the last three years in a row, March would be the vacation time. Exams would be over, and before moving on to the next class it would be family time. We would pack up our bags, travel to exotic destinations and the memories would be enough to carry us till the next break.

We had planned an equally exotic trip this time covering Belgium, Austria and Prague. Destiny had a different planning altogether. As the days came nearer we would daily keep tuned over the developments in different countries. Just 4 days before the trip, we decided not to go.

A wise decision, now when I think in retrospect. Belgium was shut down the day we would have reached there. We would have been stranded at an airport, and God knows what would have been the ordeal.

The downsize, being a medico couple we can’t shirk our responsibilities now, so our only son has to spend more time with his gazettes. He’s enjoying it though, but I’m definitely sure his eyes are going to get weaker and plus as a parent you are always worried about the un-monitored screen-time of an about to enter teenage son.

About one third of worlds population is under lock-down, to prevent them from getting sick. People are scared to touch lift buttons, door knobs and even shake hands. Life has certainly changed and whether you like it or not you have to stay indoors. As it is we never cared about Nature, just about our own houses, our own cars, our own families. So nature is ensuring right now we actually spend time within those four walls. I’ve been hearing more about work from home and for the people who can do that currently I do envy them.

For those with resources, lock-down is easier still. Technology has made it easy for people to reach out. Skype calls, Facebook messenger, what’s app calls are some of the well known modes. Online classes have already started for my son, and the entire week they were priming students as well as parents on how to make the best use of them. Yesterday I attended PTM online sitting in the comfort of my home, through Microsoft Teams.

Lock-down would be difficult for the daily wage earners and the slum dwellers. There is hardly enough sleep in those small makeshift houses. Spending a night closely packed in them is difficult enough. How those people will spend days huddled together. Plus the lack of money would cause a vicious cycle of hunger, poverty, illness and repeat. In the overcrowded and populated country India is, covid 19 is a tickling time bomb. If the lock-down goes longer, it would lead to more lawlessness.

It’s my first day of being at home here. I woke up late for the first time in so many months. I couldn’t go down for walk, so did yoga and meditation.We made a yummy breakfast and then a yummier lunch. Living in UAE had already taught me not to be dependent on household helps, but my heart does go out to people who are totally dependent on maids for everything right from cleaning to cooking. The roads are empty today, shops are closed and we played our favorite game of Monopoly. Evening might be movie time, though it would be difficult to zero down on a movie.

What are you guys doing locked inside the houses? Let me hear from everyone.

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