Is the comfort zone killing you?
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Don’t get too comfortable with who you are at any given time – you may miss the opportunity to become who you want to be.
Jon Bon Jovi
All of us love to be in our comfort zone. We work hard to make ourselves comfortable. We seek the comfort of our homes, the work place, our relationships to stay sane and happy. So how can comfort ruin one. Well, if we get too comfortable, we get into a state of inertia. We stop making efforts to reach greater heights.
Comfort is dangerous !! It can sabotage your life in the long run. Don’t believe me ? Just look at these situations !!
We all love the comfort of our beds. Who wants to crawl out of it early in the morning? Going for a walk or a run? Are you crazy? Yet, once you are able to pull yourselves out of this comfort, you can do wonders towards your health. If not, we stay there and keep adding girths to our ever expanding waists.
The most important recipe for being happy is this constant movement or motivation towards change, towards unknown and hence stepping out of your comfort zone.
People work hard to woo each other, but once they settle in the relationship, they stop doing things they did early on. They stop trying to find each other, trying to discover the new sparks. That’s when stagnation sets in. You start taking each other for granted and that’s when you stop appreciating each other.
Do what you did in the beginning of a relationship and there won’t be an end.
Anthony Robbins
This stands true even for your career. If you become too comfortable in the position you are, you stop trying to improve your profile. People who constantly try to learn new things, get new certifications, fellowships or constantly keep updating their knowledge or learn new things keep climbing up the ladder.
Getting too comfy is the fastest way to the downfall. Everywhere in history, the greatest of empires fell because the successors were weak and too comfortable.
A few weeks back, my kid’s school brought Boman Irani online to inspire the kids. Believe me that man is such an inspiration. His entire life, is just an example of the fact that If you get too comfy, you reach nowhere. He was born just after his father passed away in a matriarchal family. As a child he used to stutter so much that he would not even speak for fear of being laughed away. He started with room service at Taj Mumbai and gradually rose ladders and was promoted as waiter at Rooftop French restaurant “Rendezvous”. After his mother’s death, he managed their family farsan shop for years. His wife gave him a camera which started his passion for photography. Thereafter, he became a professional photographer covering sports events, model photoshoots etc. He was landed a theatre role after being introduced by Shiamak Davar. Well, who doesn’t remember him in as the Principal Asthana in Munnabhai MBBS or as as Dean in 3 Idiots. He launched his own production house in 2019.
As per Mr Irani, if he had got too comfortable in the photoshop he had, would he have ever reached where he was today. Enough to ponder for today. Isnt it?
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