Day 26 – Z for Zippers, Ziplocks, Zen and Zenith


Z is the last letter of the alphabet. I am glad I am writing this post, for it means I have finally done what I started out a month ago.

I am grateful for the Zippers. I like dresses and hoddies with Zippers. They are comfortable and add a relaxed look to the garment. I find putting hooks or buttons more cumbersome.

Ziplocks make storage more easy and secure. I am grateful for these.

Z stands for Zen and Zenith. Each of us yearns for these, the most relaxed and peaceful time and the apex or the pinnacle. Life can never be the same. Some days we just need peace and we withdraw, and then another we want to achieve greater heights. The crescendo and the trough. That’s life, and I am grateful for the life with all it’s moments of Zen and Zenith.

With this I sign off from this A2Z Challenge. It was worthwhile to think of and write for the things to be grateful for and I am glad I did this challenge.

Life is the balance of holding on and letting go.


This post is written as a part of A2Z Challenge hosted by Blogchatter. #BlogchatterA2Z2023

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