Day 25 – Y for Yoga

The alphabet Y stands for Yoga. Like all youngsters, i thought yoga was for older people, laughing out in groups and just a time pass. This was back in 2014. I found a yoga app then and started with a Surya Namaskar. Doing yoga changed my outlook. These days, I follow Sarah beth on her You tube channel. I am not a very regular, but still able to do 20 days or less in a month. I used to have a lots of back pain, and yoga has almost eliminated that for me. I struggle to be regular, more because of procrastination than anything else. I am grateful for Yoga.

Sarah beth yoga

Yoga increases flexibility, improves posture, helps reduce anxiety and stress.

Whatever you do in life, yoga shows you how to do better.

Chuck Miller

I am writing this post as a part of A2Z Challenge hosted by Blogchatter. #BlogchatterA2Z2023

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