Day 22 – V for Voice, Vacations and Veterinarians.

 April 24, 2023

My voice is my identity. It helps me to express myself, my thoughts and my emotions. I am grateful for this voice. I am grateful for those voices of opinion which try to bring a change, which speak for those who have been wronged.

There is a wonderful book ” My voice is my Superpower” written by Mother and Daughter Duo Michelle Davey and Laiya Davey. The focus of the book is to empower little girls to us their Superpower Voices to help, to encourage, to protect, to be thankful and to love themselves.

Nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices calling for a change.

Barack Obama

All work and no Play make Jack a dull boy. World over companies have now acknowledged that productivity increases when employees are given time off. I am grateful for the vacations, because they recharge me and help me perform better.

I am grateful for the Veterinarians. They do a commendable job of taking care of the sick animals.

Photo by Polina Kovaleva on

I am writing this post as a part of A2Z Challenge hosted by Blogchatter. #BlogchatterA2Z2023

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